A-Z of Services



Supporting documents are added to this page as they become available.

Name Source Date Referenced


Supporting Documents

Terms of Reference WPC


Project Timescale (Approx) Steering Group 17/8/15
Village Plan and Updates WPC 5/10/15
Signage Design Statement WDPS


Summary of public consultation - Village Plan 2013 Cllr Haynes 5/10/15
SWOT Analysis Steering Group 5/10/15
Creating an Evidence Base Cllr Shardlow 5/10/15
Sources of Evidence - Starter Cllr Shardlow 5/10/15
Vision Statement Steering Group 4/1/16
Housing Projections Cllr Johnston 4/1/16
Evidence Gathering Steering Group 4/1/16
Overview of Draft Strategic Local Plan Cllr Johnston 8/2/16
Plan Structure and Draft Strategic Objectives Cllr Johnston 8/2/16
Sustainable Transport - Evidence Gathering J Scott 8/2/16
Countryside and Open Spaces - Evidence Gathering Cllrs Woodhams & Reason 8/2/16
Strategic Objectives Steering Group 8/3/16
Neighbourhood Plan Skeleton Alison Eardley 8/3/16
Introduction - Poster Cllr Johnston 4/4/16
Housing Survey - Covering Letter Steering Group 8/3/17
Housing Survey - Form Steering Group 8/3/17


leafleafThe Memorial Hall, Marford Road, Wheathampstead Hertfordshire, AL4 8AY
01582 832541, info@wheathampstead-pc.gov.uk
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