A-Z of Services


You can access all of the council's Policies and Procedures, Standing Orders, Financial Regulations, Audit documentation and the most current business plan from this page. The Village Plan (2009) documents and Councillors Register of Interests can also be accessed below.


Document Approval Date
Council's Business Plan June 2015
Council's Standing Orders January 2018
Financial Regulations January 2015
Policies and Procedures Handbook 2018
Grant Awards Policy January 2017
Allotments: Poultry Guidelines January 2017
Annual Return 2012-2013 part 1  
Annual Return 2012-2013 part 2  
Annual Return 2013-2014  
Annual Return 2014-2015  
Annual Return 2015-2016  
Annual Return 2016-2017  
Closure of Audit 2016-2017  
Annual Governance Statement 2015-2016 Section 1  
Annual Statement of Accounts 2015-2016 Section 2  
Annual Statement of Electors' Rights 2015-2016  
Annual Statement of Electors' Rights, audit inspection 2017/8  
Summary of Electors' Rights  notes 2017/18  
Annual Governance Statement and Accountability Return 2017/18  
Unaudited Annual Accounts 2017/18 Section 2  
Unaudited Annual Accounts 2017/18 Section 3  
Notice to Inspect Annual Return 2017/18  
Internal Audit Report - 2017/18  
Interim External Audit Certificate 2017/18 - 30 Sept 2018  
Final External Audit Certificate 2017/18- 12 Nov 2018  
Closure of Audit - 2017/18  
Transparency Payments (over £500) 01/04/14 to 31/12/14 quarterly
Transparency Payments (over £500) 01/07/15 to 30/11/15 quarterly
Transparency Payments (over £500) 01/04/12 to 31/03/13 quarterly
Transparency Payments (over £500) 01/01/2015 to 31/03/2015 quarterly
Transparency Payments (over £500) 01/04/15 to 30/06/15 quarterly
Transparency payments (over £500) 01/12/2015 to 31/03/2016 quarterly
Transparency Payments (over £500) 01/04/2016 to 30/06/2016 quarterly
Transparency Payments (over £500) 01/07/2016 to 30/09/2016 quarterly
Transparency Payments (over £500) 01/10/2016 to 31/12/2016 quarterly
Transparency Payments (over £500) 01/01/2017 to 31/03/2017 quarterly
Transparency Payments (over £500) 01/04/2017 to 30/06/2017 quarterly
Transparency Payments (over £500) 01/07/2017 to 30/09/2017 quarterly
Transparency Payments (over £500) 01/10/2017 to 31/12/2017 quarterly
Transparency Payments (over £500) 01/01/2018 to 31/03/2018 quarterly
Transparency Payments (over £500) 01/04/2018 to 30/06/2018 quarterly
Transparency Payments (over £500) 01/07/2018 to 30/09/2018 quarterly
Annual Parish Meeting 2017 - Chairman's Presentation Annually


Wheathampstead Village Plan (2009)

The Wheathampstead Village Plan was developed in 2009 and since then there have been three updates. The aims of the Plan were to set out the priorities for what needs to be done in Wheathampstead, and to lobby local and central government for changes to our facilities and services. Many of the items raised by residents have been addressed since its publication and these are itemised in the updates. Starting in 2015 the parish council will develop a Neighbourhood Plan encompasing ideas developed in the Village Plan and including extensive additional consultation with residents.

The Plan lists the main local issues and identifies appropriate ways of addressing them. Most of the information that we have used in recognising the main local issues comes from the answers that residents provided to the Village Plan Questionnaire issued in 2008; where other sources clearly demonstrated evidence of villagers’ wishes, these were also taken into account.

Document Date
The Wheathampstead Village Plan - Edition 1 May 2009
     Appendix 1 - Issues raised at the launch event May 2009
     Appendix 2 - Statistical analysis of the parish survey May 2009
     Appendix 3 - Issues raised as free-form answers in the questionnaires May 2009
The Wheathampstead Village Plan - Update October 2010
The Wheathampstead Village Plan - Edition 2 May 2010
The Wheathampstead Village Plan - Edition 3 March 2011



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leafleafThe Memorial Hall, Marford Road, Wheathampstead Hertfordshire, AL4 8AY
01582 832541, info@wheathampstead-pc.gov.uk
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