A-Z of Services


Privacy Policy 

Wheathampstead Parish Council retain/share contact information for business/legal purposes only. This information is never used for marketing purposes and we never share a person's information with third parties. For more information, click here to read our Privacy Policy.

Data Controller for Wheathampstead Parish Council:

Julia Warren, Clerk to the Council


Data Protection Officer for Wheathampstead Parish Council:

Local Council Public Advisory Service

The Vision Centre

5 Eastern Way

Bury St Edmunds Suffolk

IP32 7AB


ICO: You can also contact the Information Commissioners Office on 0303 123 1113.


Information Commissioner's Office

Wycliffe House, Water Lane Wilmslow

Cheshire, SK9 5AF.

leafleafThe Memorial Hall, Marford Road, Wheathampstead Hertfordshire, AL4 8AY
01582 832541, info@wheathampstead-pc.gov.uk
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