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Wheathampstead Parish Council Community Grant Scheme

Wheathampstead Parish Council is pleased to announce that we are now inviting applications for community grants for 2019-2020. Projects must be achievable within a year and grants are for a maximum of £500 each.

All grants are purely at the discretion of the Council. The Council is not bound by previous decisions, and retrospective grants will not be considered.

Once awarded the Council will require written confirmation of how the grant has been spent. This may include a report, photographs, copies of receipts etc. This must be provided by the end of the financial year.

Applications will be considered twice yearly by the Community Involvement Committee.

The Council support voluntary and charitable organisations that provide services of direct benefit to the residents of the village. The granting of funds will be considered in line with the aims of the Council are which to improve the quality of life for the residents of Wheathampstead by ensuring that it is a desirable, thriving and sustainable place in which to live.

Applications should consider:

  • The benefit to the local community
  • Increasing local people’s engagement and interest in local democracy
  • Promoting involvement in community life
  • Bringing together people from different backgrounds
  • Reducing inequalities
  • Supporting individuals with disabilities
  • Engaging young people in positive activities
  • Supporting the needs of the elderly

Each award is considered as “one off” grant and are therefore limited. However, this should not deter groups from applying, as the Council is aware that small amounts of funding for start-up groups can be vital. When granting funds, we will look for evidence of achievement of these policies.

Applications will be particularly welcome from:

  • Voluntary groups that provide services for other people.
  • Voluntary groups that support disadvantaged people to access something they could not otherwise access.
  • Applications to purchase items that will be shared by many.
  • Different and innovative events or projects that benefit the community.


Please consider the following points when applying:

  • All grant requests must be made on the appropriate form (see below)
  • Grants will only be made to organisations (not individuals) with bank accounts.
  • Grants will not be made towards salaries or payment of staff.
  • Grants will not normally be paid for ongoing revenue cost.
  • Only voluntary non-profit making organisations specifically serving
  • Wheathampstead will be considered.
  • All applications must specify a specific item(s) to be funded.
  • Applications must be received at least two weeks before consideration and must be accompanied by the organisations up to date audited or verified accounts, or accounts prepared by a Chartered Accountant. In the event of concern in considering the accounts, the organisation may be asked to provide further information such as a constitution.
  • No organisation will be allowed more than one application in any one financial year of the Council.
  • Any money granted will be paid directly to the organisation and not to any individual or private bank account.
  • Once paid, the money must be used for the intended purpose and for no other unless so specifically allowed by this Council.
  • The recipient organisation shall acknowledge Wheathampstead Parish Council as a funding source in promotional matters.
  • The recipient organisation shall indemnify Wheathampstead Parish Council against any claim arising from any party as a result of any incident associated with the matter being funded.
  • The Grant budget will be determined in advance of the financial year and will not normally be exceeded.


The next round of grants will be awarded in April 2019. Applications must be submitted by Monday 1 April 2019. You and/or a representative of your organisation must thereafter be available to attend the Community Involvement meeting on Monday 8 April 2019. 

For an application form to complete via Microsoft Word (or similar software), click HERE

For an application form to print, click HERE.

leafleafThe Memorial Hall, Marford Road, Wheathampstead Hertfordshire, AL4 8AY
01582 832541, info@wheathampstead-pc.gov.uk
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