A-Z of Services



There are three tiers of local government, each with different responsibilities.  Wheathampstead Parish Council is the first and local tier, with an important role to play in promoting the village and outlying settlements, representing its interests and supporting the work of different groups and residents within the community.

Wheathampstead Parish Council is responsible for the following local services: the management and maintenance of open spaces, play areas and sports fields; maintaining bus shelters (shared with County); the provision of allotments; the provision and emptying of litter and dog fouling bins (shared with County); the funding and delivery of village events including Village Weekend (usually the second weekend in July) and Christmas Lights Up (usually the last Thursday in November); publishing the quarterly newsletter The Pump; maintenance of East Lane Car Park (free parking); and maintaining and renting out The Memorial Hall facilities and all weather pitch on Marford Playing Fields.

St Albans District Council (SADC) is the second tier and is responsible for services including housing and environmental services.  SADC is also responsible for strategic planning policies for all development (including housing and employment sites) via its Local Plan (See 4.6.3 of the Business Plan).  Finally, Hertfordshire County Council’s (HCC) responsibilities include highways, relating to both roads and footways (pavements), education, health and social services, public rights of way and libraries.

Residents elect twelve Parish Councillors every four years.  The Council elects a Chairman and Vice-Chairman annually at the Annual Parish Council Meeting in May.  The Council reports to the electorate at the Annual Parish Meeting.  Councillors are unpaid.  Councillors commit their time to improving Wheathampstead and maintaining it as an attractive and sustainable place in which to live, visit and do business.  Elections were last held in May 2011.  The next election will be in May 2015 and following that in 2019.

To get a full picture of our activities look at the Parish Council's Business Plan where you will find a full description of the Councils activities and how it operates.  The main sections in the document include:

  • Overview of the council, staff, vision and objectives
  • Financial summary
  • Areas of responsibility
  • Governance and communication
  • General activities and commitments
  • Three year plan and projects


Download a copy of the plan here.

This diagram shows the structure of the council and how it interacts with the community and other layers of government.

leafleafThe Memorial Hall, Marford Road, Wheathampstead Hertfordshire, AL4 8AY
01582 832541, info@wheathampstead-pc.gov.uk
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